There are various challenge in managing multiple golang microservice. One of them is develop the service with right golang version. I’ve work on a legacy service that set with go1.16. But the thing is I have go1.23.

Without using same version, it is painful just to start in local. I have to run go mod vendor, met incompatibilities, go get, go mod vendor, broken there broken here.. Waste of time!

The easiest solution might be just to upgrade the repository to using the latest one. Why would let it stick with outdated go version? Yes! But sometimes, it is not an option.

The simpler solution is just to change the golang version anytime you need. I’ve use gvm 1, short of Golang Version Manager – I guess. It is dead simple and super easy to use.

Basic Usage GVM

First, you have to install a golang version first. Further reading, just access the Github GVM.

If it installed. You might be a certain golang version and your gvm doesn’t have it. Install it, with:

gvm install 1.23

After install, you can use it for switch.

Whenever I need to change my go version, i just have to switch. Lets say the repository is using go1.18, but I got go1.23. In terminal i just have to type:

gvm use go1.18

Or if I want to set a certain version as default

gvm default 1.18

That’s it!

This service manager put my life easier to switch my golang versions. I hope gvm would help you too.
